Customer Support
Welcome to the Rob Clegg blog. How do you scale great customer service without blowing the budget or killing the quality of the customer experience? It’s an age-old question for anyone leading a customer support organization, the sort of challenge that requires continuous innovation as a company and its customer base expands. In today’s blog, Rob Clegg shares ways to successfully scale customer support.
Like growing children, growing companies face the same challenge – very soon they simply don’t fit in their old clothes anymore.
One of the key areas that expands for growing businesses is customer service. You have more requests coming in and you need to address them quicker to keep your customers happy.
Without a customer, there’s no business.And these customers are smarter and more vocal than ever before, as they also have more choices. They won’t settle with just “good enough” anymore. It has to be "Best in class" or they will turn their back on you.
“Obviously, to deal with the growing volume of requests, you now need a bigger support team,” says Rob Clegg.
While attending to “customer-facing” processes is important, in the end – those are the internal processes of customer service that underlie and shape the overall customer experience you offer on the outside. That’s why a business in "growth mode" should evaluate the entire customer service process flow: what information service agents have on a customer, where the bottlenecks are, who gets what requests and how, how long a customer request is (should be) processed, how to monitor request execution stages, how to allocate the right number of requests per customer service agent, etc.
To do all this, you need a little help from technology. And more specifically – you need a solution that can help you optimize and streamline your customer service processes.
Check back soon for more!
Rob Clegg is a consultant, entrepreneur, and business founder. Rob Clegg strongly believe in people and what people can accomplish. He greet everyone he meets with an open mind and a friendly smile. Learn more about Rob smiling approach to business on the Rob Clegg website here. Find out how to use feedback and loyalty plans to retain existing customers on the Rob Clegg medium page. Read the latest Rob Clegg here.